Clothes waste is a big issue.
Around 350,000 tonnes of clothes, with an estimated value of £140 million, go to landfill every year in the UK*.
Vanish is the leading UK stain remover that makes clothes live longer by keeping them stain free and true to colour. We’re on a mission to get people rewearing clothes, especially the forgotten clothes at the back of our wardrobes. And now we’ve taken our mission into the gaming world to make a positive impact both online and in the real world.

That’s why we’ve partnered up with gaming influencers who love their skins like Captain Puffy and ShivFPS. We got them to wear a skin that every gamer has in their digital wardrobe but no one uses… the game’s default skin. Along with wearing the same clothes in real life on stream.
Want to get involved?
All you need to do is upload clips of you playing a game using your default skin while using the hashtag #ReSkinChallenge on Twitter, Instagram or Twitch. And, for every #ReSkinChallenge re-share, Vanish will contribute £20 to Oxfam during the dates 27th January – 3rd February.
What are you waiting for?

*Source: WRAP, ‘Valuing our clothes: the evidence base’ (2012), p.2
Upload clips playing a game using a default skin with the hashtag #ReSkinChallenge on Twitter, Instagram or Twitch. Reckitt will donate £20 to Oxfam GB (Charity Number: 202918) for every share using the #reskinchallenge between 27th January and 10th February. Reckitt will donate £10,000 to Oxfam GB as part of this campaign. For full Terms & Conditions and privacy policy, visit