Maintaining a clean and odour-free carpet
By following these simple steps, you can keep your carpet looking and smelling fresh for years to come.
1. Regular vacuuming
Aim to vacuum at least once a week, focusing on high-traffic areas and any spots where your furry friend likes to spend time. This will help prevent any buildup of dirt and allergens, keeping your carpet fresh and hygienic. Use
Vanish carpet care and upholstery foam which is specifically designed to combat dirt build up, particularly in the high traffic areas of your home such as hallways, staircases and doorways.
2. Prompt accident cleanup
When a urine accident occurs, it's important to act quickly. Blot up any excess urine with absorbent towels, then follow the steps we've outlined in this blog to effectively clean the stain and eliminate any odours.
3. Training pads and pet-friendly deterrents
Training pads provide a designated area for your pet to relieve themselves, reducing the chances of accidents on your carpet.
Pet-friendly deterrents can help discourage your furry friend from marking or urinating on the carpet. Consult with your veterinarian or a pet behaviourist to find the best options for your specific needs.